
👧 👴Touch Typing Course for everyone and for all ages.

🤵 👪For individual users and for groups.

⭐ 🎓Learn by yourself or guided methodically.

📃 📈With results listings, graphs and statistics.

🎁 😉Try it now!
It's free!

Learn to type whenever and wherever you want.

You no longer have excuses to stop typing with two fingers.

Organize your schedule and learn at your own pace.

Type better, with fewer mistakes and less effort.

Registered students access
New student

💡Do you want to register for free to record the results of your exercises, get personalized reports of your progress, resume each new session where you finished the previous one and to obtain your Typing Certificate?

Access as guest

🤝Do you want to try out the course?

Registration form - Touch Typing Course
8 characters (only letters and numbers)
6 characters (only letters and numbers)
Registered group access
New group

💡Do you want to create a group to manage your own students, the results of their Exercises, and obtain individual and collective reports of their progress?

Access as guest

🤝Do you want to try out the course?

Registration form to manage a group - Touch Typing Course
8 characters (only letters and numbers)
6 characters (only letters and numbers)

👉I want to register for free 👈


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